The Journey..
Hello beautiful You,
Yes, I’m talking to you, the beautiful women, the busy women, the women that hasn’t had time to wash her hair this week, the women that is tired because she was up all night worrying about this pandemic and the knock on effect it is having not only on the world, but on her life and her work, her family and her kids! The women that has comfort ate for the last four months, the women that is struggling to get up and keep a smile on her face day in day out! The women who is carrying what seems like the weight of the world, because she is being brave to not show that she is feeling broken. The women that just needs to be hugged by her best friend and her Mum.
Do you know her?
She is beautiful and so strong, for within her the Goddess lives and has done for lifetimes, you may not always feel her, but know that she is always there giving you the strength to carry on with your work. Yes my love, you have work to do, this world right now needs you to grow and connect with your spiritual passenger that runs through your veins. If you can’t feel her just yet, she is there, take your shoes and socks off and go stand on the bare grass, close your eyes and breath her in. Feel her move up your body from the Earth, let her strengthen you, let her support you, let her give the the energy and focus you need. Keep breathing her till you know you are full of her energetic white light. Then open your mind and feel the vessel of energy tingle through you. You are strong and you are ready an you now need to share that energy, that pure goodness, that white light. It is your duty as a divine feminine to share the nectar to create a better world for you, the people you love and the greater good of humanity and the planet.
But how? I hear you ask..
Dearest divine feminine know that by being a good person, you are sharing your light, you are awakening, you are on your journey. You may not be able to correct all the wrongs that you may have felt over this lifetime you are human, but it is never too late to heal yourself and do good to help the people, the children and the world we live in. Small incremental steps lead us on our journey, you may not know the destination just yet, but you will in time. The Goddess will let you know when you are ready.
But here are some small steps to help you on your way.
1) Give Thanks to everyone and everything
2) Radiate a positive mindset
3) Meditate or take up yoga or do both
4) Eat healthy
5) Sleep well
6) Smile often
7) Practice just one good deed a day, I bet you always do more!
8) Journal your thoughts
10) Give love
11) Believe in yourself
12) Take time in nature everyday and appreciate the elements
The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve. Your aim is to live in the present and it should feel right for right now, The future is unknown, don’t worry about that, for Later will take care of itself, your journey will unfold as it is supposed too, just continue to be the beautiful you with your white light and positive vibe and watch her grow.